HOTARU (ホタル)

Product Description(商品説明)

種から糸までをオーガニックプロセスで管理したオーガニックコットン(ORGANIC FIELD®)を使用。
★植物由来の次世代合成繊維 PlaX™

※ORGANIC FIELD® はスタイレム瀧定大阪株式会社の登録商標です。
※PlaX™ はBioworks株式会社の登録商標です。

★Traceability organic cotton
We use organic cotton (ORGANIC FIELD®), which is managed through an organic process from seed to thread.
★Plant-based Next-generation synthetic fibers PlaX™
PlaX™ is a new material made from sugarcane that has an excellent CO2 reduction effect during manufacturing and disposal.
★100% Natural stretch
A natural stretch yarn with the gentle feel of cotton and the moderate elasticity of PlaX™ DTY.

PlaX™ has an antibacterial effect derived from lactic acid, which reduces CO2 emissions by 41% when manufacturing 1 kg of polyester yarn compared to Plax. It can be used in any season and can be designed from pattern knitting to reduced stitching.

使用的有机棉(ORGANIC FIELD®)从种子到纱线,全程有机生产管理。
★由植物制作的次世代合成纤维 PlaX™
纯天然弹力纱线,兼具棉质的柔触感和 PlaX™ DTY 的适度弹性等特征。


Product Overview(商品概要)

Type of Yarn(タイプ) Z5502 
Count(番手) 1/54
Composition(混率) COTTON(ORGNIC)54% PLA46%

Technical Recommendation(ご注意)

  • PLA(ポリ乳酸)繊維の特性上、濃色の染色が難しいため、中間色以上の色につきましては、綿とPLAで濃淡の色差が発生します。
  • Due to the characteristics of PLA (acetate) fiber, it is difficult to dye it dark colors, when it comes to in-between or darker colors, may be color differences between cotton and PLA.
  • 由于PLA(醋酸)纤维的特性,很难将其染成深色,因此当涉及中间或更深颜色时,棉和PLA之间可能会存在颜色差异。