FLARE (フレア)

Product Description(商品説明)

特殊精紡機MVS(Murata Vortex Spinner)で紡績したコットン原料に、更に撚りを加えハリコシを持たせたハイツイストのコットンコードヤーンです。

①毛羽が少ない(LESS HAIRINESS) あらゆる紡績糸の中でもっとも毛羽が少なく、抗ピリング性や耐摩耗性に優れている。
②毛羽を抑える(RESISTANCE TO PILLING) 糸を形成する繊維が動きにくい構造のために、摩擦されても毛玉が出来にくい。
③洗濯に強い(WASH RESISTANCE) 洗濯、乾燥を繰り返しても、リント(糸くず)の発生が大幅に抑制されます。
④水を吸いやすい(MOISTURE ABSORPTION) 糸構造そのものが吸水拡散性をもっているため、爽やかな着心地。


FLARE is a high-twisted cotton cord yarn that is made by twisting the cotton raw materialspun with a special spinning machine MVS (Murata Vortex Spinner) to give it elasticity.

【characterizes of MVS】
It has the least fluff of all spun yarns and has excellent pilling resistance and abrasion resistance.
Due to the structure in which the fibers that form the yarn are difficult to move, it is difficult for pills to form even when rubbed.
③WASH RESISTANCE Even after repeated washing and drying, the generation of lint (lint) is greatly suppressed.
④MOISTURE ABSORPTION The yarn structure itself has water absorption and diffusivity, so it is refreshing and comfortable to wear.

【characterizes of High Twist Code Yarn】
①A touch with elasticity and a refreshing feeling.
②The yarn is rounded and the eyes are beautiful.
③Difficult to fluff.
④Since the yarn has tension, it is also suitable for pattern knitting.


Product Overview(商品概要)

Type of Yarn(タイプ) MH005
Count(番手) 1/13
Composition(混率) COTTON100%(MVS)

Technical Recommendation(ご注意)
