CALDO (カルド)

Product Description(商品説明)


CALDO is a comfort yarn that combines low-fluff wool (shrink-proof) and low-power stretch polyester. Bright polyester is twisted into shrink-proof wool, which has the original warmth and suppleness of wool, and features a clear touch and luster. In addition, taking advantage of the low shrinkage characteristics of shrink-proof wool and polyester, it becomes an easy care yarn with excellent dimensional stability and anti-pill properties.

CALDO 是一种舒适纱线,结合了低起毛羊毛(防缩)和低功率弹力涤纶。羊毛的温暖手感,柔软而有光泽的预缩羊毛与光亮的涤纶纱捻合而成,赋予其清晰的触感和光泽。此外,利用防缩羊毛和涤纶的低收缩特性,使其成为具有优异尺寸稳定性和抗起球性能的易护理 纱线。


Product Overview(商品概要)

Type of Yarn(タイプ) W1908
Count(番手) 1/21
Composition(混率) WOOL44%(防縮) POLYESTER56%(STRETCH)

Technical Recommendation(ご注意)

  • 染色工場から入荷したコーンは、巻き返さずにそのまま使用してください。(横筋の原因になる可能性があります。)
  • テンションが均一になるようにご注意ください。
  • 染色方法、色、混率等により違いはありますが、染色ロスが平均7%程発生する可能性がありますので、ロス率を考慮の上、ご発注をお願い致します。
  • Please use the corn received from the dyeing factory as it is without rewinding.(It may cause horizontal streaks.)Make sure that the tension is even. Although there are differences depending on the dyeing method, color, composition, etc., dyeing loss may occur on average about 7%, so please place an order after considering the loss rate.
  • 请直接使用从染厂收到的筒子,不要重新卷绕。(可能会产生水平条纹。) 确保张力均匀。 根据染色方法、颜色、混合比例等的不同会有差异,但平均有可能会出现7%左右的染色损耗, 所以下单前请考虑损耗率。