ECO GREEN (エコグリーン)

Product Description(商品説明)


ECO GREEN is an eco-friendly material with a natural look and refreshing feeling, made by blending recycled polyester regenerated from collected PET bottles and hemp, which has low environmental impact and is rich in functionality. It is an ideal material for basic line, gauge down, pattern knitting, etc.


Product Overview(商品概要)

Type of Yarn(タイプ) H3184
Count(番手) 30/2
Composition(混率) RECYCLED POLYESTER65% HEMP35%

Technical Recommendation(ご注意)

  • 麻素材のため、節が発生することがあります。
  • 染色方法、色、混率等により違いはありますが、染色ロス平均7%程発生する可能性があり ますので、ロス率を考慮の上、ご発注をお願い致します。        
  • Due to the hemp material, knots may occur. Although there are differences depending on the dyeing method, color, composition, etc., an average dyeing loss of about 7% may occur, so please consider the loss rate before placing an order.
  • 由于是麻材质,可能会出现结节。・虽然因染色方法、颜色、混纺率等不同而有所差异,但平均可能会产生约 7% 的染色损失。 因此,请您在下单时考虑损失率。