CRYSTAL (クリスタル)
Product Description(商品説明)
CRYSTAL is a middle gauge yarn that has rayon with elegant luster and drape and linen with a natural look, and the two are covered with nylon. The feature is that it looks like a single thread that expresses the linen and rayon alignment.
Product Overview(商品概要)
Type of Yarn(タイプ) | H2143 |
Count(番手) | 1/13 |
Composition(混率) | LINEN54% RAYON43% NYLON3% |
Technical Recommendation(ご注意)
- 麻素材のため、節が発生することがあります。
- 染色方法、色、混率等により違いはありますが、染色ロス平均7%程発生する可能性がありますので、ロス率を考慮の上、ご発注をお願い致します。
- Due to the linen material, knots may occur.Although there are differences depending on the dyeing method, color, composition, etc.,an average dyeing loss of about 7% may occur, so please consider the loss rate before placing an order.