DRY SOUR (ドライサワー)

Product Description(商品説明)

①毛羽が少ない(LESS HAIRINESS) あらゆる紡績糸の中でもっとも毛羽が少なく、抗ピリング性や耐摩耗性に優れている。
②毛羽を抑える(RESISTANCE TO PILLING) 糸を形成する繊維が動きにくい構造のために、摩擦されても毛玉が出来にくい。
③洗濯に強い(WASH RESISTANCE)  洗濯、乾燥を繰り返しても、リント(糸くず)の発生が大幅に抑制されます。
④水を吸いやすい(MOISTURE ABSORPTION) 糸構造そのものが吸水拡散性をもっているため、爽やかな着心地。

DRY SOUR is a middle-gauge yarn that combines the lightness and bulkiness of ribbon rayon with specially spun MVS polyester, which has little fluff and excellent pilling resistance. It features a refreshing dry touch, moderate firmness and firmness, and a matte look. We can respond to a wide range of projects such as basic lines for spring and summer,
gauge down, and whole garments.
【Features of MVS】
① There is little fluff It has the least fluff of all spun yarns and has excellent pilling resistance and abrasion resistance.
② Suppress fluff Due to the structure in which the fibers that form the yarn are difficult to move, it is difficult for pills to form even when rubbed.
③ Strong against washing Even after repeated washing and drying, the generation of lint is greatly suppressed.
④ Easy to absorb water The yarn structure itself has water absorption and diffusivity, so it is refreshing and comfortable to wear.

DRY SOUR 是一种中等规格纱线,将带状人造丝的轻盈性和膨松性与特纺 MVS 聚酯纤维相结合,具有低绒毛和优异的起球性能。特点是触感清爽干爽,紧实度适中,外观哑光。我们可以容纳各种项目,从春夏基本款到羽绒服和全成型单品。


Product Overview(商品概要)

Type of Yarn(タイプ) E6650
Count(番手) 1/16
Composition(混率) RAYON53% POLYESTER47%(MVS)

Technical Recommendation(ご注意)

  • 濃色と淡色でのボーダー企画は、移染する可能性がありますので、洗いの際は浴比を大きくし て、少ない枚数でお願いいたします。
  • DRY SUREは、レーヨンとの交撚糸のため、ポリエステル(MVS)の耐洗濯性の機能を保証するものではありません。
  • 染色方法、色、混率等により違いはありますが、染色ロス平均7%程発生する可能性があり ますので、ロス率を考慮の上、ご発注をお願い致します。        
  • DRY SOUR is a middle-gauge yarn that combines the lightness and bulkiness of ribbon rayon with specially spun MVS polyester, which has little fluff and excellent pilling resistance. It features a refreshing dry touch, moderate firmness and firmness, and a matte look. We can respond to a wide range of projects such as basic lines for spring and summer, gauge down, and whole garments.
  • 深色和浅色的边框设计可能会导致染料转移,因此洗涤时请增加浴比并减少使用次数。 Dry Sour不能保证涤纶(MVS)的耐洗功能,因为它是与人造丝交叉加捻的纱线。 根据染色方法、颜色、混合比例等的不同会有差异,但平均有可能会出现7%左右的染色损耗, 所以下单前请考虑损耗率。